100 Years and Counting!Feedrail® offers a complete line of Overhead Trolley and Plug-In Busway Electrification Systems. With almost 100 years in the business, we understand moving applications, and can address the questions and problems involved in selecting a power source that will move with your application. Feedrail® developed a moving source of electrification to answer the needs of the sewn products and automotive industries which were evolving into large, mass production processes. In sewn products, for example, movable power outlets were needed for sewing machines. As production layouts changed, rearranging of sewing equipment became much easier. Production was no longer delayed, and the end result was increased productivity. Feedrail® Systems have become more and more sophisticated over the years. You’ll see them in abusive heavy-duty application such as steel mills and rapid transit systems. In high-tech industries, Feedrail® Electrification Systems are being used to perform testing and burn-in functions at electronic assembly plants. No matter what your application, we can engineer a system to meet your electrification requirements. Systems are designed for indoor use in non-hazardous, non-corrosive, dry atmosphere. Why Feedrail® Systems are the Best:All Feedrail® Electrification Systems share some important benefits:
Why Feedrail® is the Rail of Choice:
Simple Design = Quick InstallationFeedrail® Systems are manufactured of standard units that are factory preassembled to save time on the installation site. Our systems install with just a wrench and a screwdriver. You can add to, modify, change, or tailor any of these systems to meet your needs quickly. Compact Design = Dollar SavingsOur Feedrail® Trolley Busway Systems incorporate all power conductors into one housing minimizing installation costs. Quality Design & Construction = Superior SafetyFeedrail® Overhead Electrification Systems assure the safety of your personnel and operate dependably at any level from ceiling to floor. Since all currency-carrying components are enclosed, the hazard of personnel accidentally coming in contact with live current is eliminated. Feedrail® Electrification Systems are U.L. Listed and C.S.A. Certified where applicable. Minimal Maintenance and Dependable PerformanceBecause they’re so well constructed, Feedrail® Electrification Systems will deliver years of trouble-free, reliable service. Once installed, your Feedrail® system is virtually maintenance-free. Periodic inspection and cleaning is all that’s required. National Electric CodeMost Feedrail® Systems are listed by the Underwriters' Laboratory, Inc. The National Electric Code governs their installation. The equipment is designed and manufactured for use under this code and will meet the requirements listed in the Code if installation is in accordance with its provisions. However, interpretation of local inspection authorities should be sought for specific rules in your district. Feedrail® Systems:
Feedrail® Installations Through the Years
Building Your New Feedrail System Starts Here
FRS100 & FRS200 Plug-In & Trolley Series Overhead Electrification Systems for Movable Trolley or Stationary Plug-In Service: The track rating for this series is 60 amps continuous, 90 amps intermittent. 2 and 3 pole, 300 volts. Trolleys rated up to 30 amp. Plug-in jacks rated 15 amps. Made in the USA. |
FRS300 Plug-In Series Overhead Electrification Systems for Stationary Plug-In Service: The track rating for this series is 50 amps continuous, 90 amps intermittent. 2, 3 and 4 pole, 300 volts. Plug-in jacks are rated at 15 amps. Made in the USA. |
FR100 Trolley Series Busway and Crane & Hoist Electrification System for Movable Trolley Service: The track rating for this series is 100 amps continuous, 150 amps intermittent. Trolleys are rated at 20, 30, 40, 60 and 100 amps continuous. Voltage ratings are 600 VAC and 250 VDC. Made in the U.S.A. |
FM & FX Multi-Conductor Trolley Series Heavy Duty Crane & Hoist Electrification Systems for Movable Trolley Service: The track rating for this series is 60 amps continuous, 90 amps intermittent. 2, 3, 4 and 5 pole. Trolleys are rated at 15 or 30 amps continuous. 4 and 5 pole systems are rated at 300 volts, 2, 3 and 4 pole systems at 60 volts. Made in the U.S.A. |
FH Heavy-Duty Trolley Series Heavy Duty Crane & Hoist Electrification Systems for Movable Trolley Service: The track rating for this series is between 225 — 500 amps continuous, 300 — 575 amps intermittent. 2 and 3 pole. Trolleys are rated at 225 — 500 amps continuous. Volatage ratings are 600 VAC and 250 VDC. Made in U.S.A. |